How to Safely Run with Your Dog | Pawdaw of London

How to Safely Run with Your Dog | Pawdaw of London

Looking to add some excitement to your daily run while strengthening your bond with your furry friend? With the right approach to training, having your dog run alongside you can bring fantastic health benefits for both of you.

Join us as we share a fun and enjoyable way to run together that will keep both you and your pup energized and happy!

  • Can I Run with My Dog?

  • Why You Should Run with Your Dog

  • How to Begin Running with Your Dog

  • How to Train Your Dog to Run with You

  • Build Your Pup’s Running Endurance

  • Tips for a Safe and Pleasant Run

  • Running with Your Dog FAQs

Can I Run with My Dog?

Every dog has its own limits when it comes to how far and how long they can run. With the right training and practice, some dogs can comfortably run for up to an hour, while others may tire out after just 15 minutes. It’s always a good idea to check with your vet before starting a new running routine, but in general, you can get a sense of your dog’s running abilities by considering a few key factors.

Best dogs to run with:

Not all dogs are natural runners, and different breeds have different running abilities. Dogs with short legs, like Dachshunds, may have trouble keeping up with your pace, while brachycephalic breeds, such as Bulldogs, can struggle with long distances due to breathing issues, especially in warmer weather.

Breeds like Huskies and Border Collies are fantastic running companions. On the other hand, larger breeds like Greyhounds and Salukis can be prone to orthopedic issues, so running might not be the best for them, as it could increase the risk of bone, joint, or muscle problems.

Every dog is unique, even within the same breed. Some dogs may love running more than others. That’s why it’s important to consider your dog’s personality, research their breed, and check in with your vet for a physical exam before starting a running routine.


As much as you might want to run with your puppy to help them burn off some of that boundless energy, it’s best to wait until they’re at least 1.5 years old. Running too early can put stress on their developing bones and growth plates. Experts suggest waiting until their bones have fully grown before starting a running routine.

For older dogs, they might not be able to run as fast or as far as they used to. It’s important to adjust the pace and distance to what they’re comfortable with and avoid pushing them too hard.

Why You Should Run With Your Dog

Health Benefits

There’s a lot of research that shows how running can benefit our health, from helping with weight loss and building stamina to boosting mood and mental well-being. The same goes for your dog. Running can help your dog shed extra pounds, build muscle, and keep their mind engaged, which can also help reduce anxiety.

Better Behaviour

Most dogs love to run and enjoy all the sights, sounds, and smells the outdoors has to offer. Dogs that are more active and spend too much time indoors can start to get bored and may show destructive behaviors, like chewing up furniture. Keeping them physically and mentally active helps burn off that excess energy and keeps boredom at bay.

Boost Motivation

The boundless enthusiasm and energy exhibited by your dog can be contagious. Seeing your dog overjoyed to explore nature can give you that boost to lace up your running shoes and hit a trial!

Reminder to Rest

It’s important to challenge yourself and run to the best of your abilities, but just as crucial is giving yourself time to rest and recover to avoid burnout. Dogs have a natural instinct to know when they need to slow down and take a break. By following their lead and embracing those moments of rest, you’re allowing your body the chance to fully recover and recharge.

How to Begin Running with Your Dog

Once your pup is fully grown and you receive the all-clear from the vet, you should look for the following signs to determine if your dog is ready to start running:

  • Fitness: Your dog should be healthy and have sufficient stamina

  • Energy: Naturally energetic and active dogs tend to make ideal running partners

  • Obedience: A well-trained dog with good leash manners will be safer while running

  • Command Familiarity: Your pup must know basic commands such as heel, sit, stop, and come before learning how to run

Once you are happy to kickstart your running journey with your dog, it is crucial to ease your pup in slowly. Start by walking and slowly build it up to a jog and then a run. Don’t expect to run marathons with your dog immediately; it takes much time and practice to build up to a marathon level. 

This initial phase is an excellent opportunity to explore your dog's interest in running. Despite breed, each dog will have a different affinity for running; even very active dogs may not enjoy running! Observe your pup's enthusiasm by assessing whether their tail is wagging and their ability to keep up with you.

How To Train Your Dog to Run With You

Before you hit the pavement, it's important to do some basic training with your dog. To make running together easier and safer, you'll want to teach them to run in a straight line instead of under your feet.

Start by working on the "heel" command, which keeps your dog by your side. This is the ideal position for running, with your dog’s head at the level of your hip or knee—no further forward.

Once your dog is comfortable staying in that position, you can slowly increase your pace, and they should naturally stay in line with you. This approach works better than trying to train your dog to follow a speed cue—if they know where they should be, they’ll adjust their speed to match yours.

Build Your Pup’s Running Endurance

Now that your dog is comfortable staying by your side and matching your pace, you can begin to add more running to your routine. Just like us, dogs need to build up their strength and endurance gradually.

Start by adding short running intervals to your walks. Over time, you can increase the running and decrease the walking. After a few weeks, your dog should be able to handle running longer distances with you.

Tips for a Safe and Pleasant Run

Now, you have a fully-fledged running companion in the form of your furry pup! Once your dog is fully trained to run with you, ensuring it is safe while running with you is still crucial. The following tips help to ensure your pet's safety and maximise their enjoyment.

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  • Warm up and cool down with your dog before and after each run by walking for several minutes.

  • Check weather conditions before you set off, as your dog may not fare well running in hot and humid weather.

  • Take a bottle of water with you and offer some to your dog frequently

  • Give your dog frequent breaks so that they can rest, enjoy their surroundings, and go to the bathroom

  • Only allow your dog to run off-leash when it is safe. Do not let your dog run off-leash if they do not have reliable recall amid distractions.

  • Monitor your dog for exhaustion, such as excessive panting or frequent stopping. Your dog may run to please you, even when ready to stop.

Running With Your Dog FAQs

What gear do you need to run with your dog safely?

Essential gear includes a well-fitted harness or collar, a sturdy leash (preferably hands-free for ease, such as a waist-leash), and dog-friendly running shoes if needed. Bring water for you and your dog, and consider reflective gear for visibility during early morning or evening runs.

How far can I run with my dog?

The distance you can run with your dog depends on their fitness level, breed, and health. Start with short distances and gradually increase the stretches of running. Pay attention to your dog’s behaviour and energy levels to gauge how far they can comfortably run.

Are there any specific health concerns to watch for in my dog?

Watch for signs of overheating, dehydration, and joint or muscle strain. Regularly check your dog’s paws for cuts or abrasions. Monitor their overall behaviour and energy levels, and consult your vet if you notice any concerning changes.

Enhance Your Pup’s Running Experience with Pawdaw

So, now you should be ready to kickstart your running journey with your pup, and before you know it, you will be completing your first marathon! 

At Pawdaw of London, we offer a range of luxury dog accessories designed to make your run more comfortable and enjoyable. We have it all, from our skin, nose, and paw balm to protect your pup’s sore areas after a lengthy run to our natural salmon cookies to treat your dog along the running route. 

Clean & Pamper Dog Gift Set - Pawdaw of London

Explore our range of products to enhance your dog’s running experience.

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